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Construction overview

An offshore wind farm, such as Seagreen, requires infrastructure both onshore and offshore.

In both cases, the work presents significant opportunities for businesses across Scotland and the wider UK. As responsible developers we work with our contractors to ensure that as much of the opportunity as is reasonably practical is awarded to businesses in Scotland and the UK.

Large and small businesses have seen and are set to see significant benefits as work at Seagreen moves from the development and construction phases, continuing through the 25 year operational life span.

Onshore construction

Onshore construction includes the:

  • Development and construction of an operational base at Montrose Harbour.

  • Construction of a new dedicated substation at Tealing, Angus.

  • Installation of underground cables from landfall at Carnoustie to Tealing.

  • Development of the export cable landfall site at Carnoustie.

  • Development and installation of the required harbour infrastructure.

  • Reinstatement works once the above tasks are complete

These extensive works require the supply and installation of plant, materials and infrastructure by a large workforce supported by local accommodation and service providers.

Offshore construction

Offshore construction has included the:

  • Manufacture of all associated infrastructure.

  • Installation of turbine foundations including suction caissons and pin piles.

  • Installation and commissioning of the wind turbines.

  • Laying, connecting and burying of the subsea electrical cables including inter-array and export cables.

  • Coordination of all offshore activities.

  • Provision of specialist installation vessels and other vessels to support construction activities.

As with the onshore construction activity, there have been significant opportunities for the supply of materials, plant, vessels and employment opportunities throughout the construction phase.

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