Consent for Seagreen Phase One (as it was known at the time) was awarded by Scottish Ministers in October 2014. The Offshore Transmission Asset (the infrastructure required to facilitate the export of power to the national electricity transmission grid) was also consented.
These consents were confirmed in November 2017 following legal challenge by the RSPB to the original consent award decision.
The Onshore Transmission Asset (the onshore infrastructure required from the landfall point at Carnoustie to a new substation at Tealing) was subject to a separate planning application and was granted planning permission in principle by Angus Council in 2013. This was extended by Angus Council in December 2016, following re-application by Seagreen.
In March 2018, Seagreen submitted an application to Marine Scotland seeking to remove the consented capacity limits to allow for the installation of higher rated wind turbines. This application was approved by Scottish Ministers in August 2018.
The removal of the capacity limit will allow higher capacity wind turbines to be installed under the existing 2014 consented parameters.
The offshore consents were further amended in December 2022 to increase the physical size (and therefore generating capacity) of 36 of the wind turbines. These turbines are yet to be constructed and will form part of the 'Seagreen 1A' project. All documentation relating to the offshore consents can be found on the Marine Directorate website.