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24-Hour Horizontal Directional Drilling Works

Writer: #TeamSeagreen#TeamSeagreen

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

As we progress with our programme we are now looking to start on the section of cabling which will run under the East Coast Rail Line. This will involve the use of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). HDD is a technique for the installation of ducts which negates the need for open trenching and the cables are then pulled through the ducts at a later date. It is a surface launched technique with a machine drilling from a small entry pit at one side of an obstacle (such as a railway line) to a second machine on the opposite side. The normal depth of drilling below the obstacle is approximately 5m to 6m.

Following discussions with Network Rail, 24-hour working is required, to limit the number of working days at the crossing in the interests of reducing impact on Network Rail operations and to complete the work in the safest manner. The map below shows the location of the HDD works required under the East Coast Rail Line which is located approximately 200 metres south-west of the Barry Links Train Station.

Additional information is provided below about these works :

  • The duct installation works at the crossing are scheduled to run over two separate periods.

  • The first period of 24-hour working will commence on Monday 7 December for up to 10 days.

  • Some early enabling works which will take place during daytime hours (7am-7pm) on week commencing Monday 30 November.

  • The second period of 24-hour working is currently programmed for March 2021. We will provide more information on this nearer the time.

  • To ensure that all night-time HDD is within consented noise levels, noise barriers will be placed between the HDD drilling and the nearest properties. These barriers will consist of shipping containers being placed with two rows at the Northeast and four rows at the East boundary of the HDD area, all stacked three containers high.

  • Activities in the construction compound during the night-time period (8pm – 8am) will be reduced as far as reasonably practicable; the night-time staff will be limited to a skeletal four-person crew, vehicles will not be left idling in the compound and HGV and other vehicle movements will be minimised where possible.

  • The required lighting for night time working will be faced inwards to the area of works and not directed towards nearby properties.

  • A 24-hour phone-line will be set up for queries and/or complaints for the duration of these works. The number for this is 07432 008826.

If you have any questions or concerns that you would like to raise about these works or the project in general then please get in touch with our Stakeholder Engagement Manager Pauline Allison on 0141 224 7192 or by email at


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