The first of a series of three police escorted abnormal load convoys between the Port of Dundee and a construction site at Tealing is scheduled to take place on Saturday (1 May).
The convoys are part of works related to the Seagreen Wind Farm, which when complete will be located more than 27km off the coast of Angus. At 1,075 Megawatts, when completed, Seagreen will be the largest offshore windfarm in Scotland, capable of providing clean, renewable power to around 1.6 million homes.
The electricity generated by the wind farm is to be transmitted via subsea cables to a landfall point at Carnoustie where works are currently underway. Once ashore, the electricity will then be transferred via underground cables for approximately 19km over three cable circuits to the substation in Tealing.
The convoys are delivering transformers which will make up part of a new substation which is being built. The first convoy is scheduled to leave the port at around 15:00 on Saturday with an expected arrival time at Tealing of between 16:30 and 17:00.
Onshore Project Manager for Seagreen Wind Energy Limited, Steven Reid said:
“Works at Tealing began in March last year and are progressing well so we are now in a position to take delivery of three large equipment items which are critical items for the substation operation. These ‘abnormal loads’ are Transformers and due to their scale they require a police escort to move them from Dundee Port onto site.
In advance, we’d like to thank drivers and residents for their patience while the deliveries take place. Public safety is paramount and in co-operation with Police Scotland, our team will do their very best to keep any disruption to a minimum.”
It is expected that the deliveries will take around 1.5 to 2 hours each to make their way from the Port of Dundee to the substation site at Tealing on Moatmill Road just off the A90.

The transport will consist of a tractor unit (Trojan) with a support vehicle in front and behind. The police escort will accompany the vehicles up to the turn off from the A90 into the site.
Transformer deliveries are expected to run on the following dates, however, this is subject to change:
Saturday 1 May
Sunday 23 May
Sunday 4 July