Take the next step to net zero
Seagreen’s corporate power purchase agreement (cPPA) is the next step to net zero for your business. Register your interest below.
What is a cPPA?
A corporate power purchase agreement (cPPA) is an energy contract between an organisation and a generator of renewable power.
Under the terms of the contract, the organisation agrees to buy some or all of its electricity directly from a renewable energy generator, such as a solar or wind farm. This approach differs from the traditional arrangement in which the organisation would simply buy electricity from licensed electricity suppliers.
Watch our video to find out more about cPPAs.
Construction overview
A Seagreen cPPA offers large companies an innovative, quick and flexible way to achieve 100% renewable energy supply within a year, in the form of one easy, green energy purchase. Around five to 10 large, energy-intensive businesses will be able to purchase energy in blocks of 20MW (100GWh p.a.) as part of the Seagreen cPPA.
This arrangement overcomes the chief barrier to buying renewable energy directly: the excessively long contract duration, which creates undue risk for businesses in the event of falling energy prices. Seagreen’s five-year contract is less than half the length of a typical cPPA, giving corporates price certainty and access to zero-carbon energy without a lengthy lock-in.
Why now?
Organisations are coming under increasing scrutiny from key stakeholder groups regarding their environmental sustainability credentials. A Seagreen PPA will help large, energy-intensive companies meet their decarbonisation goals and ESG commitments by next year, with one green energy contract. Large corporations buying renewable energy directly via a Seagreen cPPA will bolster their green credentials with their employees, customers and other stakeholders.
Tenders for Seagreen’s offshore cPPAs will be released later this year, after the Summer. Register your interest below to be notified.
What makes Seagreen's cPPA different?

Decarbonise with one contract
Organisations can sign one simple contract to help decarbonise their electricity supply.
Contact us
If you would like to know more about the Seagreen PPA, please email SeagreenCPPA@sse.com and one of the team will contact you by return.
Learn more
Find out more about corporate power purchase agreements and how Seagreen can support your business take the next step to decarbonisation now.
Any questions? Download our FAQ document below.
Facts and Figures
When completed Seagreen will have 114, 10MW deep water turbines with a diameter of 164m the same as an Airbus A380 wingspan [LINK]
The Seagreen project when completed will power the equivalent of 1.6m homes or the equivalent of almost every home and business in Edinburgh and Glasgow combined [LINK]
Seagreen will be generating 1.075GW of electricity in early 2023, equivalent power to 10.5 million TVs at full output - TV = 1,075,000kW/0.103kW = 10.44m Samsung 55inch - Ignoring transmission losses - Samsung 55inch tu7020-55-inch-crystal-uhd-smart-tv-ue55tu7020kxxu [LINK]
Seagreen will produce enough net zero electricity to power 150,000 rapid EV charging points at full output [LINK]
Seagreen will displace over 2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from electricity generated by fossil fuels every year – similar to removing more than a third of all of Scotland’s annual car emissions and making a significant contribution to Scotland’s net-zero ambition by 2045. Equivalent to running emissions of nearly 1.3million ICE cars [LINK]